Today is Armistice Day. Every time we have been to Australia it has been at this time of the year!
I have always been very surprised impressed with how the Australians remember this day as they have their own day for rememberance called Anzac Day which is on 25th April and comemeorates the anniversary of the day that Australian troops first set foot on Gallipolli!!
Armistice day is very well remembered in Australia!!
Here is a photograph of the memorial in Kings Park!!

I didn't want this day pass without acknowledging the great sacrifice some families made for their country!!
Thank you and blessings to all of our fathers and grandfathers - whoever they were, who fought for our freedom!!!
Kindest wishes and love
How fantastic that they celebrate and even on holiday you can remember.
Victoria xx
Hope you are having a good time!
How lovely knowing that Armistice day is celebrated in Aus too!!!
I bow to all veterans worldwide. If it wasn't for their unselfishly courageous contribution to protect and defend us, we wouldn't be able to enjoy this blissful day. Thank you darling for posting this special day.
Love & Hugs
As an Ex army wife and daughter, this is a special time, I have lost friends thru the conflicts, and where I work we always have the poppy's
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