Monday, 19 April 2010


And totally smitten!!!

Never in a million years did I think I would ever be writing this post!!!
I'm amazed at myself, this has taken me by surprise!!!
I have resisted for well, ever!!

Kelly has gone on about it, saying how great it is, and more recently my sister, but ME - no way!!!

What is it - it's not new, lots has been said about it, but I really didn't think I would be one of them!!!

What is it?

It's this...

I reluctantly watched the films!!!

The books sat on my table for weeks and I didn't touch them!

Then one morning last week I began Twilight, I could not put it down!!

The whole saga is so compelling and addictive!!!

In five days I had read the lot!!!


Kindest wishes and love


Nola said...

That's what happened to me when I finally broke down and started watching "Harry Potter" with the kids!

Jill said...

Told you, you should listen to your daughter and Sister !!

Hugs RosieP x

Em said...

Oh I keep meaning to read the books, after falling in love with Edward in the first film.
Hmmmm there is something quite attractive about a vampire.. x

P.s I am trying to lose some weight so I can fit in to your suitcase. Hehe!

Claire said...

Haha brilliant. I too am smitten with them. I saw the film first and hadn't heard of the books at that point. I then read all the books and LOVED them. They made me feel like a teenager again.

Oh, speaking of books thank you so much for your other recommendation. I'm half way through it and feeling better already.

*hugs and love*

LoloDesigns said...

Morning Angel. My niece is a big fan of these two. Are they scary to watch as I am a bit of whimp when it comes to spooky things!


Coco Rose Diaries said...

Oh you know I think I might just have to watch the films and read the books, having heard nothing but great things about them all! xxx

Unknown said...

I must see for my self to! I really feel like I am missing out now! suzie x

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I'm holding off reading the first book till I'm ready just in case I get sucked in!

Victoria x

Pixiedust said...

HA HA not you too! That happened to me, and now I'm a complete twilight and anything vampire addict. I've read all the books four times, and I don't have enough fingers to tell you how many times I've watched the films. I can't wait until Eclipse is released. So are you Team Edward or Team Jacob????

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...


Have a great week, sweet Angel.

Susan Freeman said...

I have not read the books nor have I watched any of the movies. I have an old childhood friend who is completely hooked. Did you ever read the Witching Hour by Anne Rice? I was hooked by that one. Maybe when I find some free time, I'll give Twilight a try.

Susan and Bentley

Country Cottage Chic said...

Can't say I was impressed by the first film, haven't seen the second....but my daughter tells me the books are fab, so maybe I should read them too....

Callies Cottage said...

Isn't it lovely when you find a book or a film that you can really get your teeth into?? Hee Hee !!
Warm Wishes,
Cally x

Unknown said...

I think I may give the films a try, everyone I know keeps talking about them. I feel I am missing out on something?x Have a great weekxxxxxx

Vicki/Jake said...

HI Angel, trying to visit some blogs in between moving, packing and working...
So funny that you got the 'bite' too. I haven't yet and now sure I will, but that's just what you said, right? haha
Have you received your little bags yet? Should be there soon. Let me know.
I'll be back soon. Thanks for keeping up with me and leaving such sweet comments.

Duchess of Tea said...

I have not been bitten yet, I am working on it. Darling, wishing you a week full of blessings.

Love & Hugs

Melly said...

I haven't watched or read it're better than me cause I'm not really interested but I'm glad that you are taken with it all :)
Hope your week is off to a lovely start :)

Duchess of Tea said...

Thank you Janice darling for the kind and comforting words on my blog.

Love & hugs

Kelly said...

You do make me laugh! After forcing you to watch you are as smitten as the rest of us!!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Such a familiar story, lots of people seem to be 'suffering' from this. I also loved the books but as for the films? Twilight, I thought was dreadful, the second film I'm yet to see.

Lisalulu said...

Oh yea!! and DID YOU KNOW, I am an hour away from Forks, yep thats where I live! near the rainforest... (only I live in the rainshadow where it doesn't rain that much) yes those books are 'brain candy' so much fun!

Hannah VanderHart said...

hehe! this post made me laugh! the more books, the merrier!

Michelle said...

Welcome to the Twilight club! I read all four books back to back last year and have reread them a couple of times since - love the books, love the films,love Edward!!! (ooh dear - that sounds a bit obsessive - heigh ho!).

New to your blog, but will call by again. Michelle x